Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day...and a GREAT Day at That!

It's 8:30 and if I weren't so excited about putting together the two slideshows below I would be snuggled under my covers! I don't know about the kids (or the parents! LOL), but I'm EXHAUSTED!!! I think between the fact that I could not fall asleep last night, that I woke up waaaaaaaaaaaaay before my alarm went off, that I was the 2nd person in the building, that I think I must have been just as excited and nervous as the kids, if not more so, and the fact that I think I was on 'Full Speed Ahead' the entire day, well I'm just pooped! BUT.....I got some great shots of opening day for our 1st - 4th graders, as well as some great shots of some of the teachers that I just HAD to spend time downloading pictures and putting together this slideshow.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. BTW, on the first slideshow, check out the PreK parents sitting at the desks and filling out forms!


Here's another slideshow I put together of some of the teachers on opening day.

***SLIDESHOW REMOVED I'm off to a well deserved sleep....wait...maybe just a LITTLE more surfing on the web to see what's new and what I can bring into our school.

'Stay Tuned and Stay Connected!'

(revised posting 9-19-07)

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