Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Kids Say the Most Amazing Things!

I have to admit, I am learning SOOOOOOOOOOOO much from my Kindergarten students. The first, and not surprisingly, is that they take your questions literally. Case in point: I was going over the four main parts of the computer. To introduce the mouse I showed my class a stuffed toy mouse and asked, 'Is this a computer mouse? Raise your hand to tell me either Yes, No and Why'. One little boy raised his hand and when I called on him he answered, 'Why'. Hey...in his mind I had given him three choices. These are the moments that make me stop, laugh like crazy inside, and basically add a little more sunshine to my day.

If you check the my webpage, scroll down to the link for 'SmartBoard Projects'. There you'll see the examples of the students in Mrs. Rosselli's class writing their names. I can't wait to re-do this activity with them at the end of the year so they can see how much they 'grew'!

'Stay Tuned and Stay Connected!'

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